01 - Aint Necessarily Red
02 - Beyond
03 - Boom
04 - Cedar with Maple
05 - Flags
06 - Florence
07 - George's Trees
08 - January, East Wind
09 - One More Day
10 - Poppiness
11 - Poppycock
12 - Six Pink Poppies
13 - Still Waters
14 - Treescape
15 - Tulips
16 - William and Rose
17 - A Bed of Roses
18 - Butterflux
19 - Cornish Ware
20 - Grigadale Irises
21 - Infinity
22 - Late Afternoon
23 - Once upon a Tree
34 - Palaver
25 - Rugs and Roses
26 - Snow Falling on Damsons
27 - Thé Dansant
28 - The Pool of Light
29 - Trumpet Blast
30 - Winter Pine ans Witches
31 - Zorro
32 - Oregon Woodland
33 - Light on Leaves
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